ECU tendon Injury in an Elite Golfer
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris tendon, Golf Swing biomechanics Overuse injury, Training errorAbstract
This case describes an elite golfer who developed medial wrist pain in his leading hand. His condition had been provoked by high volume golf practice, a discrete episode of injury and a change in golf technique The change to his swing in the back swing and at impact manipulated the leading wrist into a firmer position at impact to create “hold off” shot. The injury sustained was an acute on chronic overuse injury to the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU) tendon and tendon sheath. Treatment was provided in a non-surgical fashion , with the use of Platelet Enriched Plasma (PRP) injections and rest. Return to play required alteration in swing biomechanics. The paper highlights the role of training error in the development of this common golf related injury.
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