About the Journal

Cancer cells and Therapy (CCT) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal providing comprehensive coverage of research in all aspects of Cancer Research with its aim to contribute to the medical knowledge. The journal publishes cutting-edge advances in a wide range of diseases and conditions, including diagnostic procedures, therapeutic management strategies, and innovative clinical research to ensure optimal patient care.

The journal categorizes articles into Original, Systematic reviews/Meta-analysis, Case Report, Editorials, Rapid communication and Letter to the Editor; and has a special format for each. Articles submitted should comply with the guidelines set forth for the authors.

Authors can reach the Editorial Board, if in uncertainty concerning the scope, format or content of a submitted contribution. 

Topics Covered

Organ Specific Cancer                                    Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis Research  

Cancer and Tumor Biology                            Cancer Genetics & Genomics

Cell-Based Therapy                                         Cell Signaling & Regulation

Chemical Biology                                             Computational Oncology

Computational Oncology                               Developmental Biology

Epidemiology and Epigentics                        Imaging and Radio-oncology

Statistics & Health Outcomes                        Immuno-Oncology

Hematologic Malignancies                            Pathogen-Related Cancers

Microbiome & Inflammation                         Molecular Pathology & Diagnostics

Solid Tumor Oncogenesis                              Neuroscience & Neuro-Oncology

Targeted Therapy                                            Tumor Microenvironment

Systems and Structural Biology                    Metastasis & Drug Resistance

Cancer Metabolism                                         Cancer Immunotherapy & Vaccines


Open-Access Policy

Journal grants instant unrestricted access to its content upon the policy that makes research readily available to the people and exchange knowledge to all of the global audience for their research works.

Peer-Review Policy

All the submitted manuscripts will undergo a stringent three-tier review process, namely preparatory check, plagiarism check and double-blind peer-review process.

Preparatory Check:

All the submitted manuscripts primary go through the preparatory or preliminary check where they are reviewed by the editorial office to check if the manuscripts comply with the scope and guidelines for the preparation of articles as described. If the instructions do not meet, it is sent back to the author for modifications or rejected.

Plagiarism Check:

Articles which comply with the scope of the journal and the guidelines will pass through the next phase, i.e. Plagiarism Check.

For detecting the plagiarism, we use ithenticate of Crossref, which gives us the word-by-word similarity index by evaluating millions of articles published prior. If the similarity index is more than 15%, return the article to the author for re-writing. If it exceeds more than 30%, the article gets rejected. On passing the plagiarism check, the article will undergo a peer-review process.

Peer-Review Process:

Authors are requested to suggest three potentials reviewers for reviewing the submitted manuscript, but we do not guarantee that they get a chance to review. Besides, we will find appropriate reviewers to review the paper. The editorial staff will personally contact the potential reviewers to seek their interest to review the manuscript. Though the reviewers are anonymous, they need to disclose conflict of interest. If the reviewers agree to review, and if there is no potential conflict of interest, they will receive access to the manuscript.

The reviewers must finish the review in the stipulated timeframe and provide an unbiased decision on the paper.

Based on the review comments of the reviewers, the editorial board or office will decide to accept the manuscript without changes or give a chance to authors to revise and resubmit the article or reject.

The corresponding author is informed about the decision for further proceedings.

If the authors prefer to review and resubmit the paper, it will be reviewed by the original reviewers or the editor-in-chief to verify if the recommendations made have adequately addressed. If the recommendations have addressed properly against the original comments, the reviewers are not allowed to come up with new comments.

Based on the assessment, the paper will be either accepted or reverted to the authors for further clarification. If the article is accepted, it will be published online. If declined, it is final, and no new appeal is permissible.